Motion Graphic Design

Below is a collection of various motion graphic items I have worked on over the years.

Hyve 5 Intro

A quick animated logo for the intro of a YouTube series of interviews.

Vending machine loop

A looping logo animation piece for a company’s on-site vending machine. The company was holding a fitness challenge and filled a vending machine with great fitness related prizes that employees could redeem using tokens they won during the challenge.

SXSW Idle animations

These were meant to be used as simple looping idle screen animations for a booth at SXSW the year it was cancelled due to covid.

Beverage Brand Social Media Animations

I was tasked with creating some very simple, low-lift animations to showcase a new can design that I worked on.

AI PRoduct showcase

For this project I was asked to design some educational motion graphics for an interactive “hologram” box for a trade show.

for fun/practice

These are a few projects I made in my spare time experimenting with animation styles and textures. Just to flex the creative muscle.

